こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
(The 9th International Red-White Singing Festival)
英語でSpeak Up! #108:「国際紅白歌合戦」台湾出身のアユンさんインタビュー(後半)
――So, what brought you to Japan?
Ayun: At first, because I am a normal person in Taiwan and I just go to work and after… after work I go home, and sometimes play with the friends.
But, it seems like a little bit boring of my life.
So, I talked to my parents I want to come to other country for like traveling one year, then go back to Taiwan, and working.
But, when I come to Japan, at first, I studied at Japanese school because I can’t speak Japanese.
Ayun: And then, after one years, I saw right now my music school information, and I go to the open camp.
And, I was like “Wow! This is what I want”.
I really love music.
So, I talked to my parents again.
“Can you help me? I want to learn music.”
So, my parents think about everything and then they say “oh yes, you can go to music school”.
And I go and learn and sing, start my singing job.
I totally love it, yes.
That is why I stay in Japan right now, yes.
――So, at first, you can speak Japanese?
Ayun: No, I only can speak “A-I-U-E-O”.
Ayun: This is… the most I can speak.
――So, why did you choose Japan?
Ayun: Because, I think maybe my… ah, because my father used to be study college in Japan.
Ayun: Yes, I mean, maybe something… just give me something I want to come to Japan.
And, actually, I really like Japanese “JINJYA” culture.
It’s really feel comfortable on me.
Feel quiet and feel peace, uhm.
And also near from Taiwan.
Ayun: Yes.
――You speak, you know, good English, I want you to speak a lot more.
Ayun: Oh, I thought my English is so terrible… horrible…
――No, no problem, no problem.
Ayun: Really? Thank you!