#105:ロサンジェルスの好きなところ(R&Bシンガー/ボーカルコーチ Tomomiさん)

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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #105:ロサンジェルスの好きなところ(R&Bシンガー/ボーカルコーチ Tomomiさん)



――Do you go to the United States often?

Tomomi: Yes!

Yeah, I really often go back to States, specially in Los Angeles.

――Los Angeles?

Tomomi: Yeah, I love ah… you know, staying in Los Angeles because every day, every morning, and I woke up and I could go to the swimming pool.


Tomomi: You know, which is very fresh to me.

And, you know, in the pool, and I can really be relaxing.

And after like 30 minutes or 40 minutes, I feel very relaxing and I, I’m gonna go to have a breakfast, and take a shower, and I start a day.

It’s very healthy and still it’s very good to my mind.


Tomomi: I also ah… you know, I love California weather.

There’s not so many like rainy day.

You know, every day, you know, sunny days.

So, I can enjoy the weather, and I can enjoy the pool, and breakfast, the reading the book, everything.

And, music is really great, too.


In Tokyo, Tokyo’s restaurants, everywhere is so nice, because there’s lunch price.


Tomomi: There’s no such a lunch price in Los Angeles.

You know, in Los Angeles always we have to pay like 20 dollars or you know 30 bucks.

But in Tokyo, you know like lunch price is just like 1,000 Yen, you know.

But in America, you know, I can eat more vegetables and fruits.

――You can eat more?

Tomomi: Yes, in America.

I think in Tokyo it’s hard to eat enough vegetables and fruits.

Also, even though I went to like lunch or somewhere in restaurant, if I could have a salad, salad plate is such a… like, this big.


You know, one portion is… you know, big size.

――Yeah, yeah, yeah.