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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 9th International Red-White Singing Festival)




英語でSpeak Up! #111:「国際紅白歌合戦」イタリア出身のガブリエルさんインタビュー(3/3)



Gabriel: I think the most difficult thing to get used to when I came here to Japan was mmm… try to understand people.

Because, Italian language, I think even more than English, is very expressive and very specific.

And, what I think Japanese lack is specificity…

I mean is very, very, you know, vague like mmm, they never ah say something so straight.

So, it’s very hard to understand sometimes even in a working situation.

What they really think and what you should really do.

Because, they kind of… don’t say it.

Or, if they say it, they try to say in a… you know like circle… ways…

So, I think that thing is kind of difficult to get used.


Gabriel: Also, there is no kind of like reaction sometimes because of course it’s culture.

Uhm, sometimes when people get angry actually they… they don’t show up they are angry.

And, I mean, I think both culture are good, but I wonder if for example keep all this emotion inside, is it good for a person or not?

Because, I mean sometimes Italian people, they extern too much, I mean, emotions.

And I think sometimes it’s not good but other same ways kind of relieve yourself, especially when in bad periods for example.

And, I wonder how Japanese they face bad periods if they don’t extern emotion.

Because, I think, I mean, from my personal experience I think you can become sick if you don’t know you know how to release from emotion, bad emotions, even good emotions.

So, I wonder how the Japanese population they face this matter.

――A lot of people go drinking.


Gabriel: Ah, okay, yeah, but okay, a lot of people go drinking in Japan, but isn’t it sad?

That the only way to escape emotion even good one is drinking?

I mean, I actually I never saw so many drunk people until now until I came to Japan.

And, I never saw so many tired people until I came to Japan because I never saw nobody…

I mean, in Italy to sleep on train is so dangerous because I mean maybe somebody will steal every thing from you so nobody would dare to sleep on the train.

But, even in the case that it was safer…? I don’t think people will sleep on the train.

But, here is so easy, I mean even standing up, they sleep.

I really wonder and sometimes I sleep too, because train is so comfortable.