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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 8th International Red-White Singing Festival)


初来日をした14歳のKeisha Claudiaさんへの


英語でSpeak Up! #57:国際紅白歌合戦inバリ優勝者インタビュー(後半)



Keishia: This is my first time in Japan.

Ah, I think I love Japan ‘cause how it is neat.

And, it’s a little bit… it’s different from Indonesia.

Ah, it’s, it is something new to me, so, yeah.

――How about food?

Keishia: Oh, the food. I really love the RAMEN, and the curry rice, I think, yeah.

I wanna try something more, too, but I can’t ’cause… yeah, maybe tomorrow.

I try to Harajuku…



Keishia: Shibuya and the Hachiko Statue.

I wanna go there, I really love the movie.

――Hachiko movie?

Keishia: Yeah, it’s… it’s my childhood, I know this when I was… I don’t know, 10 maybe?

I watched this movie and I cried, ah…!

Yeah, I really love it.

――So, the Hachiko movie is famous in Indonesia?

Keishia: Yeah, at that time, Hachiko movie so famous.

So, everybody watch it.

――Really? Mmm.


――Going back to singing, what is your dream?

Keishia: Ah, my dream is to become a professional singer.

――Professional singer?

Keishia: Yeah, because ah… I think it’s my childhood dream, too, to become a singer.

And, since this is my hobby, too.

This is… maybe be the career that I like.

――What kind of image do you have about professional singer?

Keishia: Umm, image… ah…

A professional singer is like they enjoy singing and they tell others what they’re feeling about the songs, and they impress the audience, maybe.

And, maybe a professional singer will write their own songs, their own feelings to others and, yeah, it’s like that.

――So, you’re gonna write a lot of famous songs?

Keishia: Uh… maybe… someday…

But, I’m not that talented on writing lyrics, but I can do like arrange and…

Yeah, I can’t really do the lyrics, sometimes.

But, I love writing songs, too. So… yeah.

――Thank you very much.

Keishia: Okay, thank you.