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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #55:ウーフ(WWOOF)プログラムについて(化学の大学講師ラファオさん)



――What kind of travel agency did you choose to come to Japan?

Rafal: I went to Japan with something called “WWOOF” program.


Rafal: Yup.

It’s some kind of a exchange program.

You can come to a person in Japan and exchange for help.

You can stay at the home or facility.

It depends on the person who are you staying with.

For example, now I’m staying in two places.


Rafal: One place was a farmer’s house, so I was helping him on his farm, just like chopping fire wood, making plants grow, weeding…

And, now I’m staying with a person who is maintaining a school.

So I’m also helping in the, in the school.

Sadly not as a teacher because I don’t know Japanese well, but I’m helping like fixing things.

It’s a very nice program for people who want to travel to Japan.


Rafal: This is like the best option, not only because you live with the people, you get like the full family experience.

You not only visit Japan but you somehow live in Japan.

And that’s very, very nice thing you…

It’s a totally different experience from a normal… like travelling agency.


Rafal: Yeah, it can be also very nice for Japanese people, not only because they have a worker, but also they have a opportunity to know about different countries, different cultures.

They can have also like the vacation experience without even leaving home because people will come to their home.

And, to be honest, it’s also nice opportunity for Japanese people to learn English.

Because many people in Japan know English but they are a little bit afraid of speaking it, not to make like… like mistakes.

So, then you can speak your mind whatever you want.

Because we won’t judge, we are happy that you welcomed us in your home and we will be grateful for that.