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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 8th International Red-White Singing Festival)


初来日をした14歳のKeisha Claudiaさんへの


英語でSpeak Up! #56:国際紅白歌合戦inバリ優勝者インタビュー(前半)



――Would you introduce yourself?

Keishia: Hello, I’m Keishia

And I’m from Bali, Denpasar.

――How old are you?

Keishia: Ah, I’m 14 years old.

――So, you won the competition in Bali, right?
(国際紅白歌合戦in Baliで優勝したんですよね?)

Keishia: Yeah, I won the competitions in Bali.

So, I can go here.

――How many people?

Keishia: Umm, at Bali, I think it’s about 20 people.


I attend this event it is because I wanna try something new since… ah yeah, I wanna try something new.

So it will help me to improve my skills, ability or maybe my mental on singing, too.

And yeah, that’s why I attend this competitions.

Ah, at first, I don’t know this competition.

It was my mom, my mom saw it from Instagram and she told me to attend this.

So yeah, maybe it’s a destiny or something ’cause…

Yeah, I can go here without any reasons and yeah, and thank you.

――When did you start singing?

Keishia: Umm, I start singing when I was a kid ’cause I love to dance. I love to sing.

And, I tried to improve my skill, it is when I was seven years old.

I told my mom that I want to go to a singing lessons and she helped me, she helped me to go there. So, yeah.


――Who is your favorite singer?

Keishia: Umm, I love many favorite singer but I think for now, I go with Stevie Wonder.


Keishia: Yeah, Stevie Wonder.

――What do you like about Stevie Wonder?

Keishia: For Stevie Wonder, ummm, he can sing even when he is blind, but he shows that I can do it.

He shows that if you really really love it, you have to practice more, practice more, and everybody will notice it.

So, yeah, I sense like that.

That’s why I love it.