#96:弓道とは禅である(You, Me and Zen 木内洋一さん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


インターナショナルな弓道クラブ「You, Me and Zen(弓と禅)」
木内 洋一(きうち・ひろかず)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #96:弓道とは禅である(You, Me and Zen 木内洋一さん)



――What do you like so much about KYUDO?

Hirokazu: Umm… sounds and feeling.

――Sounds and feeling?

Hirokazu: Sounds and feeling, yeah.

Sounds of “HANARE”.

“HANARE” is releasing an arrow.

――So, what about that sound?

Hirokazu: Mmm…

――Like, string says “bang” or something?

Hirokazu: Ah… I don’t want to say “bang”.

It’s really hard to explain about it.

‘Cause, there are no similar sound.

It is really amazing.

(Sound of “HANARE”)


――When you release, when you shoot the arrow, if you do it right, you know, that arrow will hit the target and it will make a good sound, I think.

Hirokazu: Yes, yes… but I really like the sound of string.

――So, you don’t care if you hit or miss?

Hirokazu: Yeah, because uh… if I’m doing right, the arrow must be hit.

So, I don’t care.

The… it was just a result, it’s not a purpose.

So, I don’t care about it.

Uh, for feeling, when I’m drawing a bow, I am really focused on what I’m doing now.

So, no future, no past.


Hirokazu: And… at the working time, I put my attention to outside of myself.

――When you’re working.

Hirokazu: When I’m working.

It make me tired because there are a lot of things which I can’t control.


Hirokazu: So, on the other hand, for KYUDO, I can control all of what’s happening.

I can control my feeling.

So, uh… this is really important for me.

It is like “ZEN”.

(Sound of “HANARE”)