#97:日本が大好きなドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさんによる自己紹介

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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


YouTubeチャンネル「German in Tokyo」を
マキシー(Maxie Pickert)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #97:日本が大好きなドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさんによる自己紹介



――Would you introduce yourself?

Maxie: Hey, my name is Maxie.

I run a Japanese YouTube channel about on German culture.

And, about learning a little bit of German.


Maxie: I tried to reach a lot of Japanese people and I would like to share news about Germany and Japanese.

――When did you start that channel?

Maxie: Ah, I started oh… last year in summer.

And, after one year umm… I have built a small twitter account and also YouTube.

And I really enjoyed getting some comments and some… some people telling me, “oh, I become interested in German culture”, “oh thank you! After seeing I really wanna go to Germany for travel”.

So, I enjoy doing it.


Maxie: I came to Japan the first time when I was 16.


Maxie: Yeah, I was in high school.

Because, I thought it’s like really interesting to go to exchange to Japan.

Because many people in Germany they go to exchange to the US or to UK, or to Spain or to Italy.

But, I thought, “Okay, if I wanna learn Japanese, I need to go to Japan”.

And I was really young and at that time and I really enjoyed being high school student in Japan.

So, after that I always come back… yeah.

But, I have been learning Japanese a long time and… then I met a lot of Japanese people who are learning German.

So, I really enjoy that they were like learning German.

So, I thought it’s important to help Japanese who are interested in German culture.

And, then I thought, okay, I wanna start maybe sharing more information about Germany.

That’s how I started.


――So, when you first came to Japan, where was that?

Maxie: I was in Saitama.

Really a little bit in the countryside.

So, it took me one hour by bicycle every morning to go to school.

――One hour by bicycle?

Maxie: Yeah, because I could also use the… like bus, but it would take me one hour and thirty minutes.

So, umm, using bicycle was actually more fast.

And I think it was the time I was most healthy.

Because, every morning I had to cycle, and every evening I had to cycle.

So, yeah, I was really sporty.