#98:日本で英語を習得しました(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


YouTubeチャンネル「German in Tokyo」を
マキシー(Maxie Pickert)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #98:日本で英語を習得しました(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)



――Which part of Saitama?

Maxie: Umm, I went to school called Ina Gakuen located in Ina-machi.

I didn’t have the pressure of like entering university in Japan.

So, I was only there for one year exchange but when I was back in Germany, I was like “oh, I wanna come back, I still wanna continue learning Japanese”.

So, that’s how I, how I… like ten years later, I’m still here.

For me it’s kind of interesting because umm… at that time in high-school I was always learning Japanese.

So, my Japanese was… I look German, so every Japanese they assume that I would speak English, right?



Maxie: But, at that time actually my Japanese was much better than my English and I was more confident in speaking Japanese than English.

But, everyone, they were talking to me in English, but I was like really shy speaking English.

But, in grad school, umm, I entered Waseda University, and I had two choices.

One choice was to pass the Japanese N1 level.

And then, I could take like classes in Japanese.

But, at that time I only had the N2.

And from that part I choose like English degree program at Waseda.

And, there were like many people who could not speak Japanese.

So, umm, you had to read a lot of books in English, you had to write a lot of articles and reports in English.

And also, there are lot of people who could only speak English with you.

So, you had to umm… use English every day and then my English improved.

So, yeah, it’s interesting I’m German, but I learned English in Japan.


――That’s… that’s interesting.

Maxie: Yeah.

So, like… a lot of my Japanese friends they tell me…

“Oh, I can really understand your English, you have… like, for me understanding your English you have such a nice pronunciation.”

But, that’s right, I learned English in Japan together with Japanese, so mmh, yeah.

I don’t have like a German English accent

――Right, right.

Maxie: But, it’s more kind of like a Japanized, I would say.

So, when I’m back in Germany when I speak English, people ask me “you have a strange accent, where are you from?”

I’m like, “yeah, I’ve been like in Japan for a while”.

So, I think… yeah, you can definitely learn English in Japan.