#99:日本のこんなところが好き!(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


YouTubeチャンネル「German in Tokyo」を
マキシー(Maxie Pickert)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #99:日本のこんなところが好き!(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)



――What do you like about Japan?

Maxie: Mmm, I was… first, I was really interested in Japanese culture.


Maxie: So, in Germany, it’s quite difficult to find books or like information about Japan.


Maxie: So… there are like not so many books from Japanese of course, which are translated to German.

So, I was reading Murakami Haruki and also Yoshimoto Banana in German.

And, I really liked the way umm… they were writing the atmosphere you got from the book.

Because, it was like very different from how German would write a book or like how American literature was.

So, Japanese literature I always found it has nice atmosphere.


Maxie: Yeah, and also, I always thought that Japanese characters they look like kinda cute.

And, they’re like cool, and one of the kind you will be able to read them.


Maxie: But, I was saying like my interest in Japan grow like when I was first coming to Japan, the first time the interest level I had and it like kind of developed over time.

Mmm, so at first it was like literature, but then…

Coming to Japan, actually, I found a lot of friends, Japanese friends and I really liked the kind of group culture.

So, how everyone was talking with each other and also that, umm… they always try to think what is the other person thinking and like taking care of each other.

So, there are a lot of nice things about Japan and I kind of liked the relaxed way.

But, also, I was interested in Japanese food.


Maxie: Well, it’s really interesting because when I’m in Japan, I enjoyed like eating Japanese food, but when I was back in Germany I missed eating Japanese food.

And, it was like, it was really difficult for me because I cannot buy ingredients in Germany.

Cannot find MISO, you cannot find RAMEN…

It’s like really difficult, so what you have to do is if there are like Asian shops, mainly run by like Vietnamese people, and then like you need to like search for like “Golden Curry”.

Then like, you’re like really…


Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it’s really, really expensive.

So, like, yeah, umm…