#100:日本語ではたくさん魚の名前を知っているのに(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


YouTubeチャンネル「German in Tokyo」を
マキシー(Maxie Pickert)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #100:日本語ではたくさん魚の名前を知っているのに(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)



Maxie: Yeah, we were making OKONOMIYAKI.

It was… like some of the Japanese parents they sent OKONOMIYAKI powder at Germany.

So, we were really excited.

But we didn’t have the mayonnaise.


Maxie: Ah… we used German mayonnaise and everyone was complaining.

“Oh, no! It doesn’t taste like Japanese!”

Then, like, one guy he got like Kewpie from his mom from Japan.

And, then, we were all like “Wow…”, so, yeah.

――So, what’s your most favorite Japanese food?


Maxie: Mmm… I really like SASHIMI.


Maxie: TAI-NO-SASHIMI, I think.


Maxie: TAI, yeah.

Yeah, especially in summer, it’s nice.


Maxie: I like TAI!


Maxie: And, it’s so interesting because like in Germany, we don’t eat so much fish.

So, when I first came to Japan, I was remembering a lot of like names of fish.


And the thing is, I know these names in Japanese but I don’t know the name for the fish in German.



Maxie: So, it’s like really interesting, I know a lot of like different Japanese fish names, but I don’t know it in German.

Because, uhm… we have… we have like sea, East Sea and the North Sea.

But, it’s like six-hours car from where my parents lived to.

So, at my hometown, we only had frozen salmon.

So, there were not so many dishes with fish, so you don’t even remember the name.

But, in Japan now I see like SASHIMI, and they see the fish and then know the name.

And, they also know the taste.

But, if you tell me in German, “what kind of fish do you want?” I wouldn’t know what it means.

So, that’s really interesting.

I, I learned a lot of them, eating fish in Japan.

I also really like horse.

I like horse meat, yeah.

――Horse meat, mmm. How about whale meat?

Maxie: Ah, I eat as well, but actually I didn’t see like… “mmm, is it really delicious? I’m not sure…”

I think, but horse meat, I really like.

But, I cannot tell my friends in Germany.