#101:日本人とドイツ人は休暇の取り方が違う(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


YouTubeチャンネル「German in Tokyo」を
マキシー(Maxie Pickert)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #101:日本人とドイツ人の違いはバケーション(ドイツ人YouTuber マキシーさん)



――What kind of differences do you see between German people and Japanese people?

Maxie: What’s really interesting is German people and Japanese people, they both like vacation…


Maxie: But, like… Japanese people vacation and German people vacation, it’s very different.

In Germany, usually you have around 30 days of vacation.

So… so, like almost three to four weeks depending on the company, you have vacation.

So, German people really like a long vacation.


Maxie: So, umh, usually they go for example to Italy and then they spend like two weeks at the beach doing nothing.

That’s like German style vacation.

Or, some… some people are like travelling to Thailand or like… really… but it’s always like long, long term travelling.

And, Japanese tourists, they usually only travel for like three days.

But, in three days, they usually do more than German people do in two weeks.

So… Japanese come to Europe, and like first day, one day in Germany then next day in Italy, one day in Switzerland…

And like, they’re so busy and they must be so stressful.


Maxie: Because, there are lot of like bus tours, so Japanese like bus tours, but in Germany, they… they like to plan everything by themself.

Usually, they rent a car by themself they pick the hotel by themself.

So, the way of making vacation is really different, I think.

And, also Japanese really love to go to hot springs only for like one day to relax.

But, German people they wouldn’t go to relax only for weekend.

It’s like really… like, usually if you go on vacation, you go for at least seven days.

So, for example if you book a hotel in Germany only for one or two nights, it’s like not so common, I would say.

Only business people, I think.

And, as a family, also people in Germany they rent houses.

So, in Japan you also have BESSOU.

But, it’s… it’s like only for rich people, right?


Maxie: Yeah, but in Germany it’s kind of like umh… if you have a family, it’s more expensive to actually go to a hotel because then you have to pay for two rooms, two separate rooms.

But, it’s cheaper to rent your own house and then cook for yourself as family.