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英語でSpeak Up! #045:ラオスでの体験。一体何が「幸せ」なのか?(ソーシャル・アクティビストMasaさん)



Masa: So, Laos is categorized as a least developed country by the world bank.

And it is… yeah, it is kind of true that Laos is poor.

But, Laos is called “the least developed country without starvation”.

――Without starvation?

Masa: Yeah, without starvation.

Because, they have rich forest and rivers, natural resources, but they have only few people.

――How much is the population?

Masa: Now, 6.5 million people.


Masa: But the size of the country or… you know, in terms of natural resources, they have a lot for only 6.5 million people.


So, in my understanding or my analysis…

but, I think if nature is rich and the number of people is not so many, then people become mild and friendly and kind.

Because, you know, they have culture of sharing rather than culture of competition.

So, if you go to a small village in rural Laos, then you will find, ah…

…small kids are running around half naked.


Masa: But, you will recognize those kids are taken care of by many people.

If parents are in the rice field for example, then their grand parents will take care of them

or siblings, and… neighbors, friends…

they are always surrounded by other people and they are always taken care of by other people.


So, it’s a kind of… I know it’s a kind of very naïve question,

but I had to ask myself…

like, what is happiness?


So, in that sense, I felt, mmm, these kids are…

…I don’t know, I have never asked them,

but, from my point of view, I thought these kids must be happy.