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英語でSpeak Up! #044:ラオスでは豊かな自然を守る手伝いを(ソーシャル・アクティビストMasaさん)
――What did you do in Laos?
Masa: What I did in Laos was rural development.
Rural development is kind of such a big word.
Masa: So… more precisely, forest conservation and sustainable agriculture.
Lao people, many, many of Lao people depend on natural resources…
――Uh huh.
Masa: …Especially forest products.
What I mean is not only timbers but also… like, everything.
Masa: Of course, including timber, many wild lives or wild plants, uh… mushrooms and bamboo shoots and, so many different timber products,
natural, natural food and… including insects, you know there are many wild lives, edible, edible wild lives in the forest and rivers.
But, because of globalization, land acquisition became a big issue in rural areas of Laos.
Not always, but the… in some cases, land acquisition may happen in undesirable or inappropriate form.
――Could you give us some examples?
Masa: Well, okay… Land acquisition by foreign investment, direct foreign investment, I mean, by companies.
So, some companies convert a good, rich forest into for example, rubber plantation or cassava plantation.
Vietnamese companies or Chinese companies, not all of them but some of them do not respect Lao laws and regulations enough.
――And… what did you do to that?
Masa: We helped the government and the local people make land use planning for future, so that any piece of land can be used and utilized in an appropriate way.
And, also, we did some legal training for both local people and local government.