こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
Global Communityの編集長、
宮崎 計実(かずみ)さんです。
英語でSpeak Up! #47:国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長による自己紹介
――Would you introduce yourself?
Kaz: Thank you everybody.
My name is Kazumi Miyazaki.
I’m a founder and editor of the magazine, a web-magazine called “Global Community.”
(私はウェブマガジン『Global Community』の創設者であり編集者です)
By this media, I’m encouraging all Japanese people to mix with non-Japanese people.
Kaz: Not afraid speaking English and also we are providing some activities which Japanese people can enjoy with non-Japanese people.
――When did you start this community?
Kaz: Ah… it’s 2009 we started this activity.
Kaz: We started this magazine and I ask… I interviewed many foreign people who live in Japan.
And I found out that kind of problem that they are facing.
One of the problem is housing problem.
It’s not very easy for non-Japanese people to have a lodging, first of all.
Because they don’t have a guarantee and also that they are not used to talk to the real estate agency.
Because most of the real estate agency, they don’t speak English or maybe not any other language other than Japanese.
So… non-Japanese people are quite reluctant to go to the real estate agency.
Then, I thought that maybe I need to tackle this problem.
So, I talked to the ah… some of the director of the real estate business.
And, we started internship program for overseas student.
And that’s started 2010, we started this program, and still now we are doing it.
And, more than 150 people who has finished this internship program.
And, they… many of them get enrolled in the real estate industry and they are supporting overseas student and also the people who are looking for the houses in Japan.