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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
Global Communityの編集長、
宮崎 計実(かずみ)さんです。
英語でSpeak Up! #48:国際コミュニケーションで英語よりも大切なこと(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)
Kaz: But when we started internship program, it wasn’t easy.
Because, ah… for the company who is … most of the employee are the Japanese.
In that case, it is not very easy for the overseas student to get used to the environment of the Japanese company.
And also, the all colleagues in Japanese company, they just don’t know what to do with them, you know.
Kaz: Yeah, this is a problem, and so…
I decided to have a sort of meeting with overseas student and also the employee of the company.
And we had a pair-work and so they exchanged all different ideas also they asked questions each other.
Tried to find out each other.
Kaz: Then, when they get to know each other and they start to realize that the language is not the problem.
Because their attitude to understand different culture is most important.
It’s many things… actually many things happened in the real estate agency.
Because, most of the students are not used to that kind of environment.
So, sometime they make a mistake and also sometime they caused misunderstanding, you know, in communicating with other colleagues.
But, when they decided to try to understand each other, most of the problem has been fixed.
Kaz: So, important thing that… the attitude, try to understand them, yes.
――Mmm, not the problem of languages.
Kaz: Not the problem of languages.
Kaz: So, from this experience, many employees in the real estate agency, they can be confident to look after overseas people.
Then, they can talk to the land owner.
We can guarantee him, her, you know.
Because, they are quite capable and they can really get used to the Japanese custom and they can follow the… all rules when they rent a house.