#49:高校生のときにボランティアガイドに挑戦(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


Global Communityの編集長、
宮崎 計実(かずみ)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #49:高校生のときにボランティアガイドに挑戦(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)



――When did you start learning English?

Kaz: When I was a junior high school and high school.

And, I was curious about foreigners.

I really wanted to talk to them.

But, I’m not really good at English and also I have no chance to… to meet them.

――Were there many foreign people around?

Kaz: There are some foreign peoples around maybe in Kyoto.

In Osaka, you don’t really see many foreigners or maybe the tourist… at that time, when I was young.

I was in the karate club in high school, so in the summer time when we have a time I was running around Osaka Castle.

And, one day, I have seen some old couple, foreigners, they are tourists, old couples.

And, I thought that maybe I can talk to them.

I brought a small handbook, guidebook, it’s written about Osaka.

Then, I prepared some phrases to speak to them.

Then, I spoke to them.


――That book is in Japanese?

Kaz: In Japanese and in English.

――Ah, both.

Kaz: Yeah, both Japanese and English.

It was really challenging for me, you know.

I just came up to them and I looked at the book and I tried to speak to them.

I just read it.

――Mmm, you read the…

Kaz: Small notes.

And I also offered them “if you have a time, I want to take around Osaka Castle, could you come with me?”

And they said “Of course”


Kaz: “Please take me around”


――That was when you were high school student?

Kaz: High school student, at that time I was 2nd grade, high school.

And… but actually, that’s alright to do it at that time.

I took them to the main gate of the castle, we walked maybe about 5 minutes to get to the entrance of the castle.

But, I couldn’t really say anything.

I was very shame, ashamed of myself.

Then, I realized I need to study English.

And also I need to study about Osaka Castle which I don’t know.