#50:英語を話すための身近なチャンス(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


Global Communityの編集長、
宮崎 計実(かずみ)さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #50:英語を話すための身近なチャンス(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)



Kaz: The reason I started this volunteer guide activities in major shrine is that… from experience from the Osaka Castle.

And I did it about 2 years, 2nd grade of the high school and 3rd grade of high school.

I did it about 2 years.

And, in the summer vacation, I went to the Osaka Castle almost every day to do these activities.

And, ah… after 2 years, I became kind of confident speaking in English.

Especially, when I talk to tourists in Osaka.

So, I could manage, I thought that I can do it.


Kaz: When I came to Tokyo, the Tokyo people don’t realize that they live in tourist spot.


Kaz: There are lots of lots of tourists in Tokyo, but Tokyo people don’t realize that you live in the tourist spot.

So, that’s one of the thing that I want to explain to the people in Tokyo.

“You have a chance, talk to them.”


Kaz: So, I went to some university to visit the ESS? English societies.

――English Speaking Society.

Kaz: English Speaking Society, and many of them just are puzzled.

――They’re puzzled?

Kaz: Puzzled.

What they are doing is just making speech or debate.

They don’t really thought about talk to the tourists on a street.

I just didn’t understand it, why they don’t do it.

Because, in English Speaking Society, they talk in English between Japanese.

And, I found it is very odd.

Why don’t you go out from the campus?

And, if you are capable of speaking English, you can go out and you can talk to the… you can help a tourist.


Kaz: But, at that time, they don’t, they didn’t realize.

So, maybe I need to start myself.


Kaz: So, I visited some university then I get some student who are interested in this kind of activity then I started.