こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
Global Communityの編集長、
宮崎 計実(かずみ)さんです。
英語でSpeak Up! #51:国際紅白歌合戦とは?(国際交流メディアGlobal Community宮崎編集長)
――So, please tell us about International Red and White Singing Festival.
Kaz: International Red and White Singing Festival started 2011.
You know that 2011 we had a big earthquake in Tohoku area.
We had to do something to encourage not only the Japanese people but also those non-Japanese people who decide to stay in Japan even after the big earthquake.
Then, we want to cheer up them, then some of my friends we discussed each other, then we came to the conclusion that maybe we can do some Karaoke party for them.
――Mmm, Karaoke party.
Kaz: That’s a very, very sort of light beginning, first of all.
Kaz: But, when we talked to some friends, so the community gets bigger and bigger.
And, maybe we can do something, I thought.
Then, one of the advisor of this singing event, and he used to work for the Mainichi Shinbun.
And he advised me that why don’t you go to Kankocho, the tourism agency to support you, then?
Ah, that’s a very good idea.
So, I went to the tourism agency to talk to them.
Then I asked them to support us, and on a spot that “oh we will support you.”
We are very, very lucky.
At the same time, the top of the tourism agency, and he said that he is going to take part.
Not only authorize your event, the top of the tourism agency said that he’s going to take part, he would sing a song.
Kaz: That was really surprising to me.
――So, you have that event in Yoyogi Olympic Center?
Kaz: Yeah, Olympic Center, yes.
The rule of the International Red and White Singing Festival is only one.
That is, Japanese people sing in language other than Japanese, and non-Japanese people sing in Japanese to respect each other’s culture.