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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
「Homestay in Japan」の代表、
竹島 千歳さんです。
英語でSpeak Up! #71:英語を「勉強する人」から「使う人」になった転機(Homestay in Japan竹島さん)
Chitose: I remember, I just stopped learning, and then I used more English expression, more than learning, anyway.
So ah, this is the ah… some of turning point I got.
When we were the student learning a lot, input time, so a lot of word, vocabulary expression I just put into my head, okay?
But, when I express myself, about the… one things, okay?
For example, assemble.
Chitose: Assemble or assembling, okay?
So, I didn’t know… so, what this meaning, okay?
Ah, my friend said, okay, people get together on the one point.
Okay, this is assembling point, okay?
(それが”assembling point”である、と言いました)
When… okay, when school start, nine o’clock, you have to just come to the classroom, this is the assemble point, in the classroom.
(学校が9時に始まるとき教室に行かなければならないが、その場合教室が”assemble point”であると…)
Ah! Okay, meeting point?
So, I just asked my friend to make sure, is this correct meaning?
And they said “oh, yes, just meeting point, assembling point, exactly the same.”
(「”meeting point”と”assembling point”は全く同じことだ」と彼らは言いました)
Chitose: So, and then, ah! I realized, I don’t need to know exactly the word as more vocabularies, for me more difficult word, okay?
So, we don’t need, if I can use other words or easier words to express, express myself.
And then, I’m okay, I can go, I can become user of the English.
Chitose: No more English learners, okay?
I realized after maybe in the three years later, or that after I started studying English when I was 25, so become 28.
So, I realized, okay, no more learning on the desk.
Chitose: … In the school.
So, I can go out.
I can use my English as a skill.
So, I can do some business with my English skill.
So ah, and then, I tried, of course you know, to meet a friend, to meet new people and express myself.
Of course you know, if to meet the people ah… introduction, start with.
So, and then, everybody understand, my name, my job, ah… my character, bla bla bla.
And then, you know, it’s the next words are coming very smoothly.
So, and then meet 30 minutes, 60 minutes I can talk with my friend and new people in English.
And then, I realized, no more learning sessions.
I should use it.
So, this is my turning point.