#72:バイリンガル落語 ぷりん亭芽りんさんによる自己紹介

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #72:バイリンガル落語 ぷりん亭芽りんさんによる自己紹介



――Would you introduce yourself?

Merin: Okay, so… hello, everybody!

My name is Merin.

I’m doing English RAKUGO and bilingual RAKUGO.

And my stage name is Pudding-Tei Merin.

And this name was named by Mr. Katsura Bunshi.

I really like this name.

I love RAKUGO, but I also like performing arts and pro-wrestling and workout.


――When did you start English RAKUGO or bilingual RAKUGO?

Merin: Well, I started my English RAKUGO activities when I was third grade at elementary school.

I watched English RAKUGO on TV, and I was really shocked and surprised.

And also I really liked speaking English and communicate English and also like to perform something.

So, I thought like “oh, this English RAKUGO is really perfect for me.”

And then, I look around for my English RAKUGO teacher, then I found really nice teacher who lives in same city with me, so…

And I asked to him to study English RAKUGO, then I started English RAKUGO.


――How much do you practice?

Merin: I… mmm, I practice almost every day, but now I’m a college student so my studying became much more harder and busier, so I sometimes I couldn’t practice English RAKUGO.

But, if I practice English RAKUGO, I try to concentrate 100 percent of my power.

Sometimes, twice a week, but I try to practice every day.

――Like 30 minutes or one hour?

Merin: Ummm, yeah, from 30 minutes to… sometimes, it could be like three… more than three hours.

――Mmm, before the competition?

Merin: Ah, before the competition, I try to practice as much as I can.

Like, even when I’m taking a bath or like brushing my teeth,

――Mmm, I see, I see.


――I heard that you have won in national competitions.

Merin: Yes, that competition is always held at Miyazaki in Kyushuu.

And, at that competition, there more than a one hundred challengers, and… but, you know, every other… umm… kids are always doing Japanese ordinary RAKUGO.

So, I’m the only one who do English RAKUGO.