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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #73:落語の面白いところとは(ぷりん亭芽りんさん)



――Why do you like RAKUGO?

Merin: At RAKUGO, performer do everything.

You know, performer just use two props only, folding fan “SENSU”, and hand towel “TENUGUI”.

So, we have to express everything with our body or facial expression.

But, we can be anything or anyone at RAKUGO.

And, RAKUGO performer cannot stand on the stage, we have to sit on the stage…

――You have to, wow.

Merin: Yes.

So, you know… perform everything while we are sitting is really difficult.

But, it’s really fun to… find a way to perform.

――So, what have you become in RAKUGO?


Merin: Well, sometimes, of course, I become… human, many kinds of human like from young girls to old men.

Or, sometimes, I became animals, some kinds of animals, like dogs or tigers or lions, like birds… or umm, I can be like alien or some kind like fairies.

Oh, or sometimes I can be a god at RAKUGO.


Merin: Yes.


Merin: I can be a god.

――Mmm, interesting.

Merin: Yeah, and like expressing to transforming to other character is really fun for me.

So, that’s why I really like RAKUGO.



Merin: I like to do RAKUGO and I also like to watch RAKUGO.

You know, we can be anything or like audience can imagine.

And there’s no… like, no rule of what we imagine or what audience imagine.

So, that’s the good point of RAKUGO, I think.

Ummm, at RAKUGO, and there are many kinds of story, so… audiences from young audiences to old audience, can join to the same story and laugh at the same timing.

So, watching at RAKUGO with many audiences will cause… like, kind of like groove.

So… of course we can feel some groove, it’s really fun to like feel groove.

And, if I… if I am like the side of a performer, and like feeling that kind of like groove is really comfortable.

And, feeling like a big family.