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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
英語でSpeak Up! #75:英語落語から学び日々実践していること(ぷりん亭芽りんさん)
――What do you think you have learned from RAKUGO?
Merin: Well, I have learned many things from RAKUGO.
But, one thing I can say is I think I learned like… kind of like habit to express correctly and think how other people look… how… how I move or express.
When I started RAKUGO, ah… I watch… I sometimes watch my RAKUGO performance video.
And if I look that, the movement of my RAKUGO is… was completely different from what I thinking.
So… and that means, that things that I want to express and tell to the audience couldn’t express one hundred percent correctly.
So, I tried to think from different sides.
Merin: So, when I practice RAKUGO, I always put a mirror in front of me.
Yeah… if I do that, I can check my movement or like what am I doing at the RAKUGO like what kind of movement I’m doing at the RAKUGO.
So, if you, listeners, if you are like practicing like kind of like speech or presentation, I think it’s really good way to record yourself, your performance.
So you can check it, oh like, this is too much, oh I have to… oh I have to express this phrase more.
So, yeah, recording of myself, of my performance, and check it with myself is great way to practice in everything.
Like, you know, speaking English or performing something.
――But, many people, you know, shy away from that.
Merin: Yeah…
――You know, like listening to what you’re speaking in English, or even videotaping yourself…
Merin: Yes, yes, yes.
Yeah, I… yeah, I’m shy, too, so…
――You are?
Merin: Yes, I’m really shy person and I always get nervous, so…
Mering: Ah… to honestly, I don’t wanna see my performance, but umm, I think I have to beat that emotion, that kind of like negative emotion.
So, I have to challenge every time, so… I…
I try to concentrate, and a deep breath, and look at my video and became like “ah…”
Then, I fix it up again, again, again… yeah, I think many people need that process.
It’s really hard to do it, I think many people need it.