#76:スポーツ通訳 佐々木真理絵さんによる自己紹介

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英語でSpeak Up! #76:スポーツ通訳 佐々木真理絵さんによる自己紹介



――Would you introduce yourself?

Marie: Hi, I’m Marie Sasaki.

Eh… I was interpreter for sport team.

So, when I was 25 years old, I started working for sport team, professional basketball team.

I was there as a manager and also interpreter.


Marie: And my English was so bad at that time, I really didn’t understand what people say, what American players say.

So, I always struggled to find out what they want or how should I… how should I translate for some people.

――Mmm, so, which, which basketball team was that?

Marie: Oh, it’s Osaka Evessa in Osaka.

――And, there were like many foreign players?

Marie: At that time, there were four American players.


――Okay, and you were the only interpreter on the team?

Marie: Yes, I was only interpreter and I was also manager for the team so I was pretty busy.

――And, you didn’t understand much English, first.

Marie: Yes, so… but, they realized how much I couldn’t speak English, so you know, they always tried to speak slowly to me.

――Mmm, and how did they treat you?

Marie: How did they treat me?



Marie: Ha ha… ah, they mmm… they were nice to me, you know, umm.

I was team manager and in the sport team, the manager have huge power.

――Huge power?

Marie: Yeah, because I am the only one who… who control team schedule…


Marie: What time we leave, what time we have to get there, uh… when we have to do this interview, how much you can get money from that interview… I controlled everything.


Marie: So, they respect me and I also respected player, so we have good connection.