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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
英語でSpeak Up! #029:挑戦したい時に不安/恐怖/批判とどう付き合うか?(wasabiさん)
Wasabi: So I’m now running a school to teach how to become a freelancer abroad.
So many people want to go to abroad or so many people want to try with their life.
But they always have… worries.
What’s happen in the future.
Wasabi: But I would say just do it whatever you want to do
because you can do whatever you want actually
with the help of technology and the situation today.
Wasabi: So there is nothing to worry about.
――There is nothing to worry about.
I think the future is bright. (Laughter)
――(Laughter) What made you think like that?
Wasabi: Ah, because I just tried.
Wasabi: Yes, I also had some fears and worries.
But actually… if you actually do it, something unexpected is anyway… is going to happen.
And it is not always what you have been worried about.
So you just need to try to see what happens.
You just need to face what just happen now
and think about the solution how to go forward.
And that’s life, I think. (Laughter)
――So your fears is like just imagination.
Wasabi: Yes, exactly.
So all you need to do is just try.
Wasabi: And also some people say “but can you take the responsibility?” if I say like that.
But nobody except you can take the responsibility in your life.
So you always need to decide yourself.
So if you don’t do whatever you want to do,
then it’s you that… you will regret.
――Hum… What would you say to criticisms?
Wasabi: Uh, I think it’s not also good to just close your ears and don’t listen to other’s advice.
But I would say your hearts… what you feel is the first priority.
――Hum. I like the way you say “advice”. I say “criticism”. But you say “advice”. Wow!
Wasabi: (Laughter) Advice. Yes.
Because sometimes even people who hate you would say the right things that might fit you.
So you don’t have to judge people.
I like her. I don’t like him. Or something like that.
It’s just opinion. One of the opinion.
There are pure criticism that curse me. You know what I’m saying?
But I don’t listen to this kind of nonsense.
But sometimes people who have criticism that make sense.
I listen to it and I take it to my way of my business and stuff like that.
It always makes good effect.
Wasabi: Also a lot of people fear about criticism. Getting criticized.
But I think if you think in this way,
criticism would not be a criticism.
It’s just all good for you.
That’s the way I think.