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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
英語でSpeak Up! #043:ビール会社の営業から大転身(ソーシャル・アクティビストMasaさん)
――Would you introduce yourself?
Masa: Hi, my name is Masa.
I am a social activist.
Actually, in terms of occupation, I am working for a non-profit organization.
It is kind of boring to introduce myself as a NPO worker, and in my recognition, I’m a social activist.
My first career, in terms of occupation, was a sales person of a beer company.
But then, 911 happened in 2001, then I decided to do something, to make this world a better place.
That’s why I decided to be a development worker.
But at that time, all I knew was only how to sell beer.
So, I decided to study development studies.
But, before going to, to abroad to get a master degree, I wanted to firsthand experience, actual experience, before getting knowledge,
I mean, academic knowledge, I wanted to have actual grass-root level knowledge, so that’s why I decided to go to Cambodia first, and I worked for NGOs in Cambodia for two years.
Then I went to London to get my master degree about development studies.
――You know, that’s a big change, you know, you were selling beer first.
Masa: Uh-ha, yeah, yeah. So, in that sense, 911 was a such a big thing for me.
I wanted to know why such a thing happened.
Of course, you know, it’s totally unacceptable to cause such a terrorism, however, I thought, you know, there should be some reasons.
So, I kind of investigated why such a thing happened, and then I recognized and realized the disparity between poor countries and rich countries.
So, and, decided to be a development worker.