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第2回目となりました「英語でSpeak Up!」。


Speak Up! していただきました。


英語でSpeak Up! #002:日本人が英語をできるべき理由




安河内:Okay, here I have to talk about why Japanese people have to master English?


安河内:Okay. I have several reasons.

The first reason is that we have many wonderful things in Japan.

But Japanese people are bad at introducing our wonderful culture to the outside world.

Okay. For example, we have many wonderful foods, like Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki and stuff.

But you know, we can’t explain what they are in English.

So maybe foreign visitors might be curious about food.

But they can’t try because they don’t know what it is.

So that’s one thing and we have wonderful history and we have many wonderful cultural artistic stuff here.

But foreign people don’t know about our culture.


安河内:You know, when I traveled in the United States and in other places in the world, people doesn’t know about Japan.

“Oh, you’re from Japan? Oh, I love Korean culture.” I always get that.

――(Laughing Out Loud)

安河内:So Korean people are very good at introducing their culture to the outside world.

So they don’t know the distinction between Korean culture and Japanese culture.

Okay. Well, Korea’s popular, it’s a great thing.

Korea is a wonderful friend of ours.

But we should introduce more Japanese culture to the outside world.

That’s one reason why they have to speak in English.


安河内:And then of course, English is not an American language.

I’m talking about the second reason.

English is not an American language. English is not a British language.

English is everybody’s language.

At this moment Chinese people are studying English and Korean people are studying English.

And of course, North Korean people and Russian people. People in Ukraine.

Okay, they’re studying English.

So, I always say to my students, “English is a language that can connect everybody in this world.”


安河内:Okay? Now I have a job in Los Angeles and I often go to Los Angeles and do this job about assessment, four-skills English assessment.

But people working with me there in Los Angeles are mostly non-native speakers.

Well, that happens in many U.S. companies, you know.

The president might be a native speaker.

And then half of the people working there might be native speakers.

But other guys are from Mexico, Germany, France and Columbia.

So… but what language will they use?

Spanish? German? No, we all use English.
(スペイン語? ドイツ語? いえ、みんな英語を使うのです)

Okay. Americans, British should speak simple English or easy English so that everybody in the meeting will understand their English.

So, English is kind of like becoming a world language.

So… the common language that everybody use.

Oh, Is it time?

――Time’s up!