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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #046:日本がラオスから学ぶべきこと(ソーシャル・アクティビストMasaさん)



Masa: So, for many Lao people, they say “oh, I wish my country, in the future, my country becomes like your country, Japan.”

So, “Japan is developed, and Japan is a convenient and comfortable country, so I wish Laos becomes like Japan.”

Many Lao people said so to me.

But, at the same time, I felt like “well, I wish Japan becomes like Laos.”

In terms of strong network of people, or mutual help between neighbors and between family members.

So, in that sense, I came back to Japan and I sometimes tell other people that, in a sense, I want to make Japan like Laos.



Masa: What is very good about Laos is… not only people help other people, but also people ask other people for help.

If there is a old woman having a big heavy bag, then…

Then, they can ask if there are young people around the old lady, then the old lady can say to the young people, “Hey, young guys, can you help me? It’s so heavy.”


Masa: It’s a very good thing about Laos.

So, I believe Japanese people are also kind people.

But, they hesitate to, you know, say such a short sentence like “may I help you?” and “could you help me?”



Masa: So, in future, I think we have to accept our economy will not develop further.

But, then, but we want to have good society, right?

Then, what we can do is to help each other, and to be nice and to be kind to other people.


Otherwise, we cannot have a bright future.

If we become more open-minded, and if we start helping each other, even with low economic development rate, still we can have a good society and bright future.