#69:語学留学中に気付いた英語上達法(Homestay in Japan竹島さん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


「Homestay in Japan」の代表、
竹島 千歳さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #69:語学留学中に気付いた英語上達法(Homestay in Japan竹島さん)



Chitose: This is a unique point I realized.

After spending time of the three months in the language school, I wanted to become better speaker, or more English I wanted to use.

And then, I asked my classmate or friends, the Japanese friends, Japanese classmates.

I asked first student “how you can practice your English?”

“What kind of books or just reference books you using?”

Okay, I asked the student A, student B, student C.

They said, exactly the same.


Chitose: So, and then I realized, “hang on a minute, all of the student can speak not well, how come?”

With their confidence, they said, this practice, this practice, very helpful for me.

But, they are not speaking up well.

So, I realized, okay, that practice for the Japanese people is not suitable, mm, not right way.

So, spending a same time, how I can develop myself, if I follow them, the same practice method, so, I can be them.

Exactly the same person, we have got the model, okay?

I am a student three months passed, okay?

Ah, student A the six months passed.

The other one is 12 months passed already.

But, not well speaker.

So, that’s why I realized, okay, maybe I should find something different.

So, I just look at them, okay, finding out how we can do.


Chitose: Jumping out this building, this is the hint.

After this is three o’clock in the afternoon, though they are going to the library, and they study and do the homework, ah they do team work, team work, same as Japanese way.

And what is the different, when they were in Japan, and then thy were in now, are in now Australia.

How they can find the differentiation between two countries.

So, I cannot find that anything different.

So, that’s why I… okay, doing something different.

If they were in the library, I go out.

If they are meeting with Japanese people, I going meet with my foreign student.

So, this what I did.