#68:英語を話すためのヒント(Homestay in Japan竹島さん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


「Homestay in Japan」の代表、
竹島 千歳さんです。



英語でSpeak Up! #68:英語を話すためのヒント(Homestay in Japan竹島さん)



Chitose: Okay, I will give a little bit of hint, how ah… Japanese people speak out.

I recommend them to prepare some items on the table.

――Some items?

Chitose: Some items, what they want to speak regarding.

So, if the one picture about Mount Fuji, they can speak out for the Mount Fuji.

Then, what kind of prefecture ah, Shizuoka is in the middle of Japan.

So, that’s why conversation will develop.

So ah, not only one item, few items prepare before they start conversation.

So, that’s I think my hint.


Chitose: Okay, so, some of people love about music, about animation, ah… cosplay, also as play sports, what ever.

So, then they should prepare the some items that’s the one that the uniform of their premium league.

So, and then, maybe guest will ask you, “oh who is that?”

So, “what kind of team?”

So ah… “which country?” bla bla bla.

So ah, firstly, not necessary to speak out about politics, economics, whatever difficult, you know, topics.

They need to speak out very ah… simple topics first, I think.

――And it’s good to talk about what you have experienced, right?


Chitose: Yes, so experience is more important because you know, in their head, so ah… concrete image, what they experience in the past.

For example, first day I touched down in Australia, in the morning about five AM.

So ah, pick-up-person not showing the ah, the paper, written down my names.

Because it said “Miss Takeshima”, because I’m boy, anyway.
(私は男性なのに、”Miss Takeshima”となっていたのです)

So, that’s why in the… my pick-up-staff lead this… misunderstood that lady is coming out from the airport gate.

Of course, we need more English skills, but slowly we can explain.

“First day, in my Australia, pick-up-staff, misunderstood.”

“I’m boy, they thought girls is coming out.”

So ah, it depends on the level of English they can speak out.

But, hesitation, beyond of that, it’s, I think it’s the solution.