こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。
「Homestay in Japan」の代表、
竹島 千歳さんです。
英語でSpeak Up! #67:ホームステイで外国人を受け入れるメリットとは?
――Would you introduce yourself?
Chitose: Okay, hello, everyone.
My name is Chitose Takeshima.
I am the management director of homestay in Japan.
(「Homestay in Japan」の代表をしています)
Ah, these days, ah, lots of foreigners is coming to Japan.
We don’t know yet, how we can live together.
Chitose: So, that’s the reason why we welcome all of the international guests.
And introducing these guest to the Japanese host families.
In the future, ah, we would like to live together in this country happily.
Chitose: Then, we have to prepare our hospitality, maybe.
Then, maybe happened, ah, lot of accident or misunderstandings.
But, firstly, I would like them to become friend, then we will have more troubleshooting easily.
That’s the reason why, ah, we are doing these business.
Chitose: So, benefit for the homestay program, ah, each families welcome guest, some of the families would like to have the opportunity speaking up English in the family.
Also, the for kids’ education.
So, these days English education in primary school, junior-high and high-school, is more, you know, demanded.
But, the character of the Japanese people maybe shy.
Chitose: In instant, I can’t say. But, um, it depends.
If in the ah, in the house, in the homestay situation, so ah, nobody look it.
That’s why no hesitation, no ah… you know barriars to speaking out.
Because nobody listen to it.
So, that’s why it’s more freely they can speak out.
So, that’s a good opportunity, anyway.
Lots of people even just kids and adult, grandfather, grandmother can speak even the bit of the English.
Chitose: Ah… okay, when at the dinner time, so they serve the meals, so the guest asking the question.
“Oh, what is the dish name?”
Chitose: So, maybe this is the ah, NIKUJAGA, whatever.
So, that’s the breakthrough.
The first vocabulary they can speak out.
Then, next one is coming out smoothly.