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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

『これ1冊でぜんぶわかる! 輸入ビジネス【完全版】』(あさ出版)




英語でSpeak Up! #015:たくさん失敗したからこそ人様のお役に立てる(大須賀祐さん)



Ohsuka: I got JETRO certicified international trade advisor at 2004.

I’m also doing my business, I mean, import business.

So, my consulting work is like this.

First of all, I ask clients what they want to achieve at a trade fair.

After that, we go to the target booth, and I show them how to get the results they want.

――You “show” them.

Ohsuka: Yeah. For example, if they want to get a exclusive contract, I show them the procedure.

――Hum. You negotiate for them?

Ohsuka: Yes.


Ohsuka: And since my company is also looking for good items in the same fair,

this means that my clients can be… sometimes become a competitor.

This was the beginning of my suffering.


Ohsuka: Deep down, I didn’t want my client to succeed… Wow.


Ohsuka: I was ashamed of myself. And I was also very confused and distressed.

I had believed that I was teaching them all my skills and know-how.

But I started to wonder if I was avoiding teaching them the most important point.



Ohsuka: I blamed myself and felt I was being insincere.

I thought, “Should I stop advising clients?”

“Or should I devote the rest of my life to helping young passionate leaders who are trying to establish international trading business?”

So finally, I made up my mind.

There are a lot of importers like me in Japan.

But there is no one who provides kind of thorough and thoughtful consulting services… that I provide.

My life has been a series of mistakes and failures.

Hundred of times I have thought, “I can’t do this anymore.”

Such experiences made me sure that I could be useful to people who need to do international trading.