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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #022:プラスワン英語法の重森ちぐさ先生登場!



――Would you introduce yourself?

Chigusa: Hello. My name is Chigusa.

I’ve been teaching English for 13 years.

I have my own school in Ishikawa Prefecture.

And I have almost like… more than 100 students… kids now.

――I hear that many students are waiting… in the waiting list.

Chigusa: Oh, yeah.

A lot of people are cueing. Yeah.


――So why do you think you have so many students?

Chigusa: I think a lot of students want to have some English experience, like…

――English experience?

Chigusa: Like, I don’t… I don’t teach just English.

――Oh, what do you teach?

Chigusa: Um, I teach them how to use English.

How to have communication with people.



Chigusa: And it’s like a company.

So, I’m boss. And they’re co-worker. (Laughter)

――The students… the kids are like co-workers.

Chigusa: Yes, so you have to care about like… how people think.

Like, for example, they have to check their time by themself.

Like, class start is five o’clock.

And they have to prepare for the lesson.


Chigusa: So when I open the door, they already start to learn English by themself.

――They… they study by themself.

Chigusa: Yes.

――Hum. That doesn’t sound like a normal English school.

Chigusa: Yeah.


Chigusa: And I let them go to overseas as well.

Like, this year, they went to Canada.

――For how long?

Chigusa: Just two weeks.

But they had a lot of friends who are from other countries.

And I put them in the summer camp.

So they know what the English is.

Like not for test.

――Hum. So, communicative English.

Chigusa: Uh-huh.