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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

英語でSpeak Upしていただきます。



英語でSpeak Up! #031:英仏日のトライリンガルが考える英会話で大切なこと



My name is Marina.

I’m working as a translation coordinator in a translation company.

I’m in charge of the French language.

I studied French in my university.

But after I graduate, I realized I need English

because everybody spoke in English.


Even in the French company or even in France.

I met a lot of people there.

All people speak English.


And my ability was not enough.

So after I graduate my university, I decided to go to the States, in the States, to work.

So I passed one year in Florida.

And I work as a… in Disney World as a salesperson.

There there is a Japanese pavillion.

And we introduced Japanese stuff like Pokemon or Hello Kitty goods or other things.

And at this time I didn’t have so much good English ability.

But when I tried to explain the things,

the American people and the others – foreigners waited for me… to understand, so…


――What do you think Japanese people lack?

Japanese people have enough skill to speak in English.

And a lot of people have much vocabulary.

But they just hesitate to speak.


And they hesitate just because they thought like

they need to speak in a really good English.

I don’t know what is a good English, but…

――Maybe perfect English.



But it’s not the things that you need

because I had a lot of English.

Spanish English.

The others, foreigners spoke a lot of English.

But they speak in a different way.

And that’s okay because people understand.

The most important thing is… what you express.

If you have that feeling that you want to express something, it’s okay.