#40:英語は間違っても大丈夫だと気づけた瞬間(Neko HackerプロデューサーShoさん)

こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。


「Sweet Dreams feat. 利香」が口コミで10万回以上
再生されている音楽ユニット「Neko Hacker」の



英語でSpeak Up! #40:英語は間違っても大丈夫だと気づけた瞬間(Neko HackerプロデューサーShoさん)



Sho: Probably a lot of people think if you live in like America, you will understand English very well, you will, you will be able to speak English.

But, it’s not true.

――Not true?

Sho: It is not true, definitely not true.

So, basically you have to study English again to be able to understand and to be able to speak.

一番大事なことは自信を持って”speak up”すること!

And, the most important thing is, like… like this title, “speak up.”
(そして、一番重要なことは、この番組のタイトルのように”speak up”することです)

You should speak up, you should talk to a lot of people.

That’s the way, that’s the only way to, you know, study English.

If you don’t do that, you won’t be able to speak English.

And, I think the most important thing is to have confidence.

The first time I went there, I didn’t have any confidence to speak in English.

So… I had a lot of things that I wanted to speak about, but I felt like… since I couldn’t speak English well, so I decided not to speak.

Now I think that was huge mistake, a huge mistake.

But, probably a lot of Japanese people do the same mistake, so…


――So, what do you think you needed, you know, to gain confidence?

Sho: Yeah, basically you shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes, that’s the most important thing.

Yeah, a lot of people would think that a conversation is a test, but in real life it’s not true.

And, even native speakers make mistakes… a lot.

――Yeah, they do. (Laughter)

Sho: They don’t care about our mistakes, as long as they understand the meaning.

It’s not a problem.


――So how did you realize that.

Sho: Probably when I started teaching Japanese.

I don’t like… they made a lot of mistakes, right? in Japanese.

But still, I understood what they wanted to say.

Yeah. At that time, I realize that, you know, I can make mistakes and that is not a problem, that is not a big deal.