こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
このコーナー「英語でSpeak Up!」も第4回目を迎えました。
「おもてなし」についてSpeak Upしていただきました。
英語でSpeak Up! #004:おもてなし
安河内:The last time, I forgot to talk about Yasukouchi’s third rule for speaking English.
The third rule is, of course, “speak in a loud voice.”
Okay, I often talk with Japanese people, Japanese high school students in English.
But their voice is small. Sometimes I can’t hear what they’re saying.
Okay, I’m over fifty years of age, and my hearing is getting weaker.
安河内:So I can’t hear them sometimes because their voice is so small.
Maybe because they’re nervous. Maybe because they are not confident of their English.
But always be confident when you speak in English, okay?
Maybe ninety percent of the reasons why Japanese English are not understood by foreign visitors is because their voice is too small.
So speak in a loud voice.
(こんにちは! お元気ですか!って)
安河内:And they will understand you, okay?
安河内:And let’s talk about Omotenashi a little bit.
When you meet, uh, foreign people, you know, looking at maps on the street, don’t pass them by.
That’s very important.
You should be kind to people in trouble, okay?
Even in… even to Japanese people when they’re in trouble in front of you, you help them.
You have to do the same to the foreign people in trouble.
And I live in Roppongi as you know.
And I often see people looking at maps and are in trouble.
But the people are passing them by.
And that’s bad. I feel very bad, so I always help them.
安河内:And my tip here is… use this expression.
“May I help you?” or “Hello. Are you in trouble?”
(お手伝いしましょうか? こんにちは、お困りでしょうか?)
“Are you in trouble? You need any help?” “May I help you?”
(お困りでしょうか? お手伝いは必要ですか? お手伝いしましょうか?)
But first you can say “こんにちは” maybe.
安河内:Yeah, I think this is a good habit. “こんにちは”.
安河内:Yeah. Because… you see foreign people. By the appearance,uh, you sometimes have this assumption that they speak English.
But sometimes this might be… rude.
They’re in Japan.
So just looking at the color of their hair, color of their skin, you say “oh, hi, how are you?” and “may I help you?”
Some people might feel… this is a little rude.
安河内:So maybe you can say “こんにちは。Do you speak English? May I help you?”
(ですから、まず日本語で「こんにちは」の後に「英語通じますか? お手伝いしましょうか?」)
安河内:Yeah, this might be a good habit.
And then after that you use this expression “like this”.
(その後は「like this(こんな感じ)」という表現を使うんです。
This is very convenient.
Okay? Looking at the maps and pointing at places, you say “you go to Roppongi Hills like this.”
Okay? “You eat Soba – buckwheat noodle – like this.”
And then you can get by. Okay, even if your English is not good enough.
So this is a tip I want to give you…
――Time’s Up!