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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #53:なぜ日本を旅行をしようと思ったか(化学の大学講師ラファオさん)



――What inspired you to come to Japan?

Rafal: The first thing that started for me because I was reading very many MANGAs.


Rafal: Yup. Well, it started with ANIME to be honest.

Because when I was very small, we had very little programs on the TV.

And, very small me, the kid of me, had only one choice, there was only “Dragon Ball.”

――”Dragon Ball”?

Rafal: Yes, “Dragon Ball” airing on TV.

And, at eight PM, you didn’t see any children outside.

Everybody was watching Dragon Ball.

――Ah… what day?

Ah, it usually was like Friday, sometimes Saturday.

So, it was like “nobody else, ah, it has to be Dragon Ball.”

Because nobody was, no children was out.


Rafal: I very liked MANGA also for the fact that it’s not only like comic books but also it’s kind of… more like an art, because of the details of the drawings that are made.


Rafal: And there is a also MANGA called “Great Teacher Onizuka.”

――Oh… GTO.

Rafal: Yeah, and I sometimes get some hints from that MANGA in my teachings.

With some problems with children.

And sometimes I read that and “Oh, I can use this one like in this chapter.”


Rafal: Yeah.


Rafal: And, that’s why also I wanted to go to Japan, because I wanted to see the same things in real life.

I know that it’s ANIME and MANGA sometimes they’re not like true life.

And, that’s also why I wanted to go to Japan because I wanted to confirm if it’s so great.

Because, sometimes when people go to Paris, they have like big expectations of Romeo and Juliet and everything and…

Then they go to the Paris and they see that “oh it’s just a city.”

And everything just goes down.

So, that’s why I wanted to go to Japan and see if it’s so nice as it is in MANGAs.

And, to be honest…

――So, what’s the verdict?

Rafal: Yes, it is.