
こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 8th International Red-White Singing Festival)




英語でSpeak Up! #64:国際紅白歌合戦、廣瀬エミリーさんインタビュー(1/3)



Emily: Hello, good-afternoon, my name is Emily.

I’m half Japanese, half Filipino.

My mother is a Filipino and my father is a Japanese.

And I’ve started living in Japan for about five years, right now.

――So, you were born in the Philippines?

Emily: Yes, I was born in the Philippines and I grew up there until I was a college student.

――Which part of the Philippines?

Emily: Umm, the home town, my home town is in Cavite.


Emily: Yes, and it’s about one hour from, by bus, from Manila.


Emily: Yes.


――When, when did you start singing?

Emily: Oh, for singing, I started singing umm, actually from grade school.

So, I’ve never been in a TV show or a big event, but umm, since grade school, I was joining singing competitions in our school.

And, after that, I also joined in J-pop festival in the Philippines.


Emily: So, I umm… I sang many Japanese songs, J-pop songs, in which I wanted to do that to spread the J-pop to the Philippine people because the fan base of J-pop in the Philippines is really small.

So, I want them to know more about Japanese culture, too.

――So, do you wanna be a professional singer?

Emily: If I really have the chance, if I can grab the chance, I would really love to.

Umm, I just don’t have much confidence, yet.

I’m… if I really will be able to… yeah, grab the chance, umm, I would like to chase my dream of becoming a singer.


Emily: If, there’s this group of bilingual singer, I can, I want to be. (Laughter)


Emily: Yes.

――If you can become a professional bilingual singer, where do you wanna sing, or what kind of songs do you wanna sing?

Emily: Ah… well, I can, I’m okay doing umm, a song as long as I can sing it.

Yes, I don’t really choose like this song or like that song, yes, mmm.

I would love to try any different songs that can be expressed by my voice.


Emily: Yes.