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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 8th International Red-White Singing Festival)




英語でSpeak Up! #65:国際紅白歌合戦、廣瀬エミリーさんインタビュー(2/3)



Emily: I started attending this event last… 2016.

Umm, by Mr. Miyazaki, umm, he asked me if I wanted to join.

And then, me, as a half-blooded for Filipino and Japanese, umm, I really love doing things that could connect both Japan and other countries.

So, when I was still a student, I really wanted to be a translator.

And my big reason behind that is because I believe that umm, people umm… fight, or people have wars because they misunderstand each other.

So, if I can be one of those bridge that can umm… explain to them the meaning, maybe even a little, I can help in reducing the misunderstanding between other different people or different cultures, like that.


――You know, where do you think people have misunderstandings?

Emily: Oh, where? Umm, sometimes by words, mainly because they don’t understand the word, they do not understand the language.

Sometimes it’s not the words, but it’s the culture.

We have different culture.

Me myself, I have two different cultures which is very opposite to each other.

I understand both.

But umm, it’s really hard for Japanese people to understand the Filipino culture, and the opposite way around.

It’s difficult to explain by words.


――What kind of misunderstandings do you see between Japan and the Pillipines?

Emily: For example like, Filipino people tend to misunderstand that all Japanese people are rich.


Emily: Like… it’s not that, right? We know this.

And like the other, other side, like there are a lot of Filipino people working in Japan, right?

So, umm… well, some Filipino work as a nurse, some people work in night clubs, we have different works.

But, Japanese people have this image that Filipino people are more like working at night, so, which is not really true.