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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #80:高校時代の英語学習方法(ニューヨーク州弁護士リッキー徳永さん)



Ricky: Okay, so ah… let me just talk about how I spent you life at high school, and how I studied English at that time.

So ah… you know, for me English was not too difficult, actually, I kind of liked it.

Because, maybe it’s the way how I started studying whatever subject they had.

English was one of my favorite, actually.

So, at high school I… you know ah, the ah… the class that I belonged to was kinda unique.

It’s got about 40 students and there’re about 10 students who were… their parents actually worked outside Japan.

So, they’re like, they’re almost like KIKOKUSHIJO people.

They’re Japanese but they spent couple years out side Japan, so what they… of course they speak English or some other foreign languages.

So, it’s kinda unique class and that time I started you know interactive with those people who actually were more familiar with the culture outside Japan.

So, that’s how I started studying English that way.


Ricky: So, yeah, I was interested in other countries, then I started talking with foreigners at that time.

And, how I did it, I started I first talked with the English teacher who were kinda… what… how do they call it, the assistant English teacher?

――Yeah, ALT.

Ricky: ALT, yeah, exactly, yes.

Yeah, ah… ALT was my favorite friend actually at the high school.

So, at that time yeah, I started talking in English.

Then, I made friends even outside high school.

For example… at that time I liked studying some other languages like Arabic.

――Arabic, mmm.

Ricky: Yes.


Ricky: And I even went to some restaurants where you know they serve Arabic foods and there’re many people from Egypt or other countries, and just started talking English.

And they… they liked me a lot, they invited me for their party or something then…

Yeah ah, they were surprised that I spoke English ‘cuz I was just high school student, they were kind of so impressed.


Ricky: Yes.