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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #81:アメリカ留学の経験や問題について(ニューヨーク州弁護士リッキー徳永さん)



Ricky: I spent three years at high school and right after I graduated, I just decided “Oh, maybe I wanna go to US for study”.

But, actually, you know, my friends kind of recommended me you know, to continue studying in Japan… for couple of years, so…


Ricky: That… that was fine cuz you know, I knew I would go outside Japan pretty soon.


Ricky: That’s how I you know, started uh… going to US right after I graduated from college.

So, yeah, anyway yeah, for me English is my favorite and that’s kinda that’s the tool that makes possible for me to open the door to outside world.


――So, when you… went to the United States, you had any problems regarding English?

Ricky: Ah… well, to be honest, yes, I had some problems.

As you know Louisiana is not a very big state.

When I actually started talking with someone, they were like “oh, you’re not American” “oh, you’re a foreigner”.

And, that was not… you know, I was not surprised but I was not feeling too well when I heard…

So, I kinda started studying English more and more.

I made more American friends rather than keeping myself within Japanese community.

So, what I recommend for anyone who wants to study English outside Japan or do RYUGAKU, try to go to city or state that… you know there are not too many Japanese people.

So, just… you should just force yourself to the tough environment to speak English.

So, I think you know the place I chose, Louisiana, was actually correct and that worked.


――Mmm, people didn’t have accents?

Ricky: Oh, that’s good question, yes, they have Louisiana accents.


Ricky: Ah… well, but if you go to south they have other Alabama accents or Texas accents, so…

Louisiana was kinda unique and it was not too easy.

――Yeah, actually, I went to Georgia, so.

Ricky: Oh, Georgia!

――They have “the Southern drawl”.

Ricky: Yeah so… yeah, anyway where ever you go in US, they have accents, even New York they have New York accents or even they have Brooklyn accent.