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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #85:アイドルのケイにゃん(石原啓子さん)による自己紹介



――Would you introduce yourself?

Keiko: Okay, I’m Keiko.

Please call me Keinyan.

――Hey, Keinyan.

Keiko: (Laughter)

I’m an idol in Osaka.


Keiko: I sing uh songs on stages and play the guitar, and make original songs.

――Uh-huh, how many songs have you made?

Keiko: Mmm… about five songs, five original songs.

――Okay, so when did you become an idol?

Keiko: Mmm… ten years ago…

――Ten years ago.

Keiko: I start it.

But, I take a rest an idol for three years.


Keiko: But I just started in February this year.

――You started again?

Keiko: Yes.

I want to be an idol again.


Yes, idol is very interesting.


Keiko: Yes. (Laughter)

I like singing songs.

――So, you mainly sing in Osaka?

Yes, in Osaka or in Hyogo.

I have concert once a month… once a month, yes.

If you’re interested in me, please come to my concert.


Keiko: Yes.

The fan of me come to my concert and take photos with me.

――With you, uh-huh. So, what kind of songs do you sing?


Keiko: Uh… I like Japanese traditional songs.

――What do you mean “traditional”?

Keiko: Mmm… 80’s songs.


Keiko: Yes.


Keiko: Yes.

80’s idol songs.

――For example…?

Keiko: For example, “MATSUWA”.

――Uh, “MATSUWA”.

Keiko: From AMIN.


Keiko: And… “KOINO-BAKANSU”.

――Mmm, so, you sing like a idol songs but from 80’s or something, and you also sing your original songs.

Keiko: Yes, I love both.