
こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。

英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。

(The 8th International Red-White Singing Festival)




英語でSpeak Up! #63:国際紅白歌合戦、EPA初の看護師ヤレドさんインタビュー(後半)



――So, was learning the KANJI… was it very hard?

Jared: Yeah! I think the KANJI is very hard, because it’s like a picture, it’s like a code…

But, it’s like… it’s have a… like, connection, each KANJI with another KANJI.

Like, YAMA, it’s like YAMA, it’s the shape of YAMA, it’s そのまま.

So, I got ah… the clue how to learn KANJI faster, how to connect the words by words.

I just tried many thing but I found the best formula how to learn KANJI faster then…

My original, (laughter) maybe, I don’t know.

Maybe everyone doing as I’m doing, maybe, I don’t know.

――You haven’t told others?

Jared: Ah, no, no, no, after I passed the exam, you know I just from Niigata, Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya… I have speech.

How can you pass the exam? The roommate, the roommate, how, how did you learn, how did you studies KANJI, how did you do that?

――So quickly.

Jared: Yeah, and I said the formulas.


――So, what is your dream?

Jared: My dream is makes people happy with my own skill.

But, I don’t have one… what is it, mmm, 得意なこと.

――Like, something you’re good at?
(例えば、”something you’re good at”とかでしょうか)

Jared: Yeah, something I’m good at, I don’t have.


Jared: But, I have to talking with people, I have to umm, listening.

I like to listen, talking, everything about… with a lot of peoples.

So, they say, they… they just talk about anything to me, and we share our experience, we share our… what is it, what… what we are struggling, what we are… what… what happy.

So, it’s fun.

――So, you like communication, speaking with people.

Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

But, you know that my Japanese, my English is not so good, but I was, I always practice, practice, English and… and Spanish, now Japanese.

But, Spanish just a little, just…

――”un poquito”.

Jared: Yeah, yeah, “por favor”.