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英語でしゃべっていただく「英語でSpeak Up!」。





英語でSpeak Up! #83:実はアメリカ人も回りくどい?(ニューヨーク州弁護士リッキー徳永さん)



Ricky: People actually tend to think that Americans are more direct when they communicate.

You know, they wanna say “no”, they wanna say “yes”.

Or, if they don’t like it, they say “oh, I don’t like it”.

But, in reality, Americans are more indirect in a way that they communicate with someone.

For example, even at the company when you… when you talk with your boss and your boss actually say something that he wants you to fix.

Then, they don’t actually face up and say “hey, hey you, you know you should just change this or you should fix this“.


Ricky: They almost always start with something positive.

So, like, ”Hi, Mr., thank you for your hard work every time, and I like your… the way you work, and you’re such a big contributor to this company.

And, please keep doing it, and we will work together.

By the way, there’s one thing that you know, you can improve on” or something like that.

So, I like the way in attitude in US, ah… ‘cuz they are almost always positive.

They don’t wanna put too much focus on something that’s negative.

So, I think it’s how I learned in Japan when I tried to work or do something, I always try to be positive.

I don’t wanna feel any negativity.

――So, you’re saying American people pay more respect when they ah… make a suggestion.

Ricky: Yeah, great, that’s good way of saying, you know, suggestions rather than saying something that needs to be fixed.

Yeah, suggestion, improvements, whatever it is.


Ricky: You don’t wanna be too direct because in US people might sue you if you just…

――They might sue you?

Ricky: They might sue you.

――Wow! (Laughter) You know, coming from you, you’re like… attorney, so… they might sue you, wow.

Ricky: We have lawsuits all over in US, that’s what’s happening every day.

So, the wise businessmen try to avoid any trouble including lawsuits.

Because, once you’re involved in lawsuits, that cost too much money and time.

Even though you’re innocent or you didn’t do anything, you have to defend yourself, right?

It’s just too much effort.